And then I had my 3rd time in Freiburg within a good year. The entire October was Freiburg-time. Luckily my work still let me time to do some cycling tours as well as to join the dance exercise at next-step Freiburg - a really nice ballett/dance school.
Anyway, the summer was really in its last days and autumn present everywhere already. Hence the rides had to be done quickly, daylight was a rare resource already. But I tried to collect as many peaks as possible and I guess, did a rather good job given the little time I had. On 1st day after arrival I climbed up to Sankt Peter (716m) via the Ibental and down through the Glottertal. On 2nd day I rode through the forrests up to the Roßkopf (737m) and collected many Maroni/sweet chestnuts on my way down. On 3rd day I rode up the Belchen (1414m), the 50km way up to the Belchen-Haus I did in 2:30h and enjoyed an icecream and the pretty impressive panorama view of the snowy Alps.
But since time was rather rare I mostly did some minor rides (30-60 km distances) through the Glottertal, Dreisamtal and the Roßkopf area or to direction Münstertal. One of the bit longer rides (103km) took me across the Kaiserstuhl including a brief stop in France and a longer visit at the Cafe Ihringer in Breisach. But of course I also rode up to the already snowy Kandel (1242m). Because of the snow already fallen I decided to skip the Feldberg this time. But on last day I once again climbed up the Schauinsland(1284m)/Notschrei which just took me 1 1/4h starting from the city centre. With about 20°C on the peak (warmer than down in Freiburg) it was pretty warm again and the view to the Alps was imressive again. A bit sad though, that I couldn't take a longer rest on the height, since daylight was vanishing soon. But it was a nice way to say good bye. One month with little time, but all in all 1066km. What a nice autumn!
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